Evaluation of Livestock Management Alternatives in Severe Drought Scenarios in Bahía Blanca (Arg)


  • Carlos Torres Carbonell Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria- Departamento de Agronomía Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Andrea Lauric Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) EEA Bordenave, Agencia Bahía Blanca, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Gerónimo De Leo Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) EEA Bordenave, Agencia Bahía Blanca, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Cecilia Saldungaray Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur. , Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Miguel Angel Adúriz Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Liliana Departamento de Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Patricia Chimeno Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur. , Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Verónica Piñeiro Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Viviana Conti Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Mauricia Nori Departamento de Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Pcia. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Gabriela Cristiano Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur, UNS-CONICET, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.




In the livestock activity, the implantation of perennial pastures with tolerance to drought is presented as a very important alternative to ensure a continuous and low-cost forage supply. Another fodder resource widely used to feed breeding herds in the region are natural fields, in which, in addition to their low productivity, significant levels of degradation are observed. The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative study modeling the physical-productive and economic indicators of a high-tech bovine breeding system tested in the region. It was evaluated against four livestock management decisions in a year of extreme drought. The analysis has confirmed the importance of having its own reserves with an adequate forage chain previously planned to mitigate the impact of the drought.

Author Biography

Carlos Torres Carbonell, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria- Departamento de Agronomía Universidad Nacional del Sur

He obtained his degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Universidad Nacional del Sur in 2004. Master in Agricultural Economics and Rural Administration from the Department of Economics of the Universidad Nacional del Sur in 2008, based on his thesis topic: "The Trust as a Tool for Financing applied to Cattle Capitalization. Case Study of the INTA Bordenave Cattle Fund ". In 2014 he graduated with a Ph.D. in Agronomy with his thesis study "Impact of Global Climate Change on Precipitation in the Semi-arid Southwest of Buenos Aires and its Effect on the Risk of Livestock Systems with Different Degree of Technology Adoption". He joined INTA in May 2005 as Project Agent for the formation of ProFam, management and technological experimentation groups in the Bahía Blanca and Coronel Rosales districts based in the Integrated Unit for Regional Extension and Adaptive Experimentation INTA-UNS (UIEREA) in the Bahía Blanca Extension Agency, dependent on the INTA Bordenave Agricultural Experiment Station, joined the plant in 2007, continuing activities within the Extension group, interacting with the Institutions of the area for local development, training demonstration units in the field of producer, formation of groups and assistance to agricultural producers in management of the agricultural company, experimentation and incorporation of technology adapted to the semi-arid zone (drought tolerant forage, livestock management and agricultural crops). He has carried out research in real production systems, direction of students and interns, evaluation of works for scientific magazines and congresses, technical scientific publication in books and magazines, organization of conferences and dissertations of said results in the south of Buenos Aires and other areas of the country on the reference topics.



How to Cite

Torres Carbonell, C., Lauric, A., De Leo, G., Saldungaray, C., Adúriz, M. A., Scoponi, L., Chimeno, P., Piñeiro, V., Conti, V., Nori, M., & Cristiano, G. (2021). Evaluation of Livestock Management Alternatives in Severe Drought Scenarios in Bahía Blanca (Arg). Argentine Agricultural Economics Review, 22(1), 60-76. Retrieved from https://raea.org.ar/revistaaaea_arg/article/view/39




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